Suicide Squad (2016) Review

Posted on the 07 August 2016 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Super Villains are about to be used to fight for good, can they resist being bad?

The hype surrounding this film has been massive. Especially after Batman V Superman as DC continue to try and build the universe, the biggest problem with that though has to be it isn’t really fitting together very well as we are bombarded with so many new characters. Without enough backstory this makes it rather difficult to keep track of everything.

I was still pretty excited for this and went in hopeful more than anything. Parts of it were decent and enjoyable but other parts were messy. When being introduced the squad the backstories were a little bit rushed. Leaving you wanting to know more. The expectation to see Jared Leto’s take on The Joker was very high from myself especially after the clips from Comic Con as he looked a mix between Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson. But in the actual film he did not quite offer anything extra or special. He does spend a lot of time off screen through. We do get plenty on the love story between Joker and Harley Quinn which I actually quite liked as really did show that bad guys can be happy as well. Isn’t it about time we had more female characters in these films?

That brings me to another talking point Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn was certainly used in a more sexualised way a piece of meat if you will considering what she was wearing (or not wearing) for most of the film. Especially the changing scene, I hope Wonder Woman is going to be different to that (please DC). I thought her performance was good though as she was totally off the wall and took on the crazy very well. I also enjoyed Will Smith as Deadshot and thought he was very impressive from start to finish. Build up a good relationship with Harley and some good exchanges.

Storyline wise it was pretty crazy really as they had to be brought together to fight against an evil witch the empress who has lived for thousands of years taking on a host body to try and well take over the world. Which was never going to be an easy task, so all the bad guys are brought together as they are expendable. If they succeed fantastic if not no loss in them dying for the cause. Can a group of notorious criminals really become a team and help one another? That was an interesting thing to watch unfold.

Strangely the characters are rather likeable which doesn’t really make a lot of sense considering they are bad guys. Maybe that whole charm thing does work? I do like that Deadshot and El Diablo seem to want to change and are resentful for past crimes. The first for his daughter and the second because of what his gift/power did to his family.

I must mention well actually rave about the soundtrack it was impressive and fit in very well with the scenes. Containing mainly my favorite genre of music with the classic rock feel to it all!

I have tried to still be positive well for the most part in this review. But that is pretty difficult considering that it’s a rather messy journey from start to finish. I would certainly say that it is better than what Batman V Superman gave us but with similarities as well, in terms of the story telling which is really the most important part. All we can do is hope that Wonder Woman is going to give us something different as if it follows suit will anyone actually want to see Justice League?