.Sucks Gets Almost 3,400 Domain Registrations At Prices Up To $2,499 in Sunrise

Posted on the 21 June 2015 by Worldwide @thedomains

The .Sunrise period for the new gTLD .Sucks generated over 3,400 domain name registrations at pricing ranging  up to $2,500 per domain name.

Premium .Sucks Sunrise registrations were sold for up to $2,499,  with at a wholesale cost of $2,000 as set by the .sucks registry, Vox Populi Registry Ltd.

If all 3,400 registrations in Sunrise were sold at the $2K premium wholesale price,  then Vox Populi just pulled in $6.8 Million

Mark Zuckerberg registered no less than 10 .sucks domain names:











Guess it one thing to just suck and another to really or totally suck.

Miley Cyrus registered MileyCyrus.sucks

Miller Beer  were just one of many brand who registered multiple Miller sucks domains which probably are and will be costing them 7,500 a year: Miller.sucks; MillerLite.sucks and MillerTime.sucks

Even Super Hero’s filed .sucks domain names, including Marvel.sucks

Company and brands in the Internet Space registered a lot of domain names like info.sucks, ninja.sucks, Godaddy.sucks although there is no domain registration for Verisign.sucks as of publication.

Many sports team, including many who do actually suck, registered their matching .sucks domain names.

Here is the entire list:  sucks sunrise (word)