Submission Deadline Approaching for Next Issue of Earth First! Journal. Send Us Your Work!

Posted on the 28 January 2014 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

“Evolution of Revolution” by German artist Hartmut Kiewert, contributor to the Earth First! Journal art auction.

Calling all eco-warriors!

We recently put out a call for submissions for the next issue of the Earth First! Journal: Spring/Beltane 2014. We’ve received incredible work so far—treesit campaign updates from Pennsylvania to Tasmania, epic short stories and insurrectionist poetry, cryptic communiques and letters from inside supermax facilities—but our editors are always hungry for more!

We know, you’ve been sitting on that piece about your local group’s mountain top removal resistance, trying to hammer out a perfect headline; or you just aren’t quite satisfied with the third paragraph of your biocentric analysis of this summer’s mink farm raids; or better yet, you haven’t quite decided whether you went too far in that angry call-out hate mail telling us to go fuck ourselves. Well, you’ve ruminated enough—hit send!

As a voice of the eco-resistance movement, the Journal is only as strong as the people who lend their voices. Make your voice heard: send us your original artwork, letters to the editor, prose pieces, news stories and campaign updates!

You can email work to: collective [at]

Or mail it on over:

Earth First! Journal
PO Box 964
Lake Worth, FL 33460

We look forward to hearing from you!

Earth First! Journal Collective