Sub Termites

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

Sub Termites – They are creepy and they are always trying to find wood = your home or business. 24/7/365 ALWAYS LOOKING. Look for signs and don’t encourage them to come to your dinner plate. Stop them by eliminating what they want.

  1. Check your home monthly for sign of bugs/pests.
  2. Don’t over water.
  3. Reduce plants,  bushes and trees under the eave of the house.
  4. Don’t plant vines.
  5. Maintain a few inches of space between stucco and ground or rock.
  6. Look for tubes, grass eating termites and castles. Don’t put items over the expansion joint in garage, make it visible.
  7. Once every few years have a Pest Management Professional do an inspection. Pay them its worth it.
  8. Don’t cheap out – your home is an investment. Make it last.