Sub Ink Video — 'Dilk'

By Invisiblemadevisible @imv_streetart

The guys over at Subism have just sent us this second video from their SubInk series. We shared the first video click back in May featuring one of their longest standing artists from the collective, Phill Blake or Philth.
The second video featured shows Steven Dilks, better known for his graffiti name ‘Dilk’ has been immersed within the world of graffiti and spray paint for the last 25 years. Owner of the first and only ‘Montana’ spray paint shop in the UK, which based in Nottigham, Dilk’s an ambassador of Graffiti/street art and has spent much of his career painting the walls of Nottingham, Madrid, Berlin, Rio, Hong Kong, New York a beyond.
Video production:
Studio JK:AK