STYLIGHT* | Review

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_

Hi Pixies! So the over day I was contacted by the lovely Lizzy over at STYLIGHT(yes, their name is in capitals so I'll type it that way too) to ask if I'd be interested in featuring them on my blog so I did what any noisy person would do, I had a look around the website to get a feel of what they're about and I think I fell in love. Is that possible? To fall in love with a website?
For those of you who may be unaware of STYLIGHT and what it is let me explain - it is a online based community (and App) where users can upload all their different looks to share with other members. The looks themselves can then be customised by adding your favorite quotes and videos. Another highlight of STYLIGHT is that if a particular item of clothing catches your eye then you are able to buy it though of of the many different shops that are featured on the site. Pretty nifty huh?
Need some inspiration for that 'big night out' outfit then calm your worries as STYLIGHT can help. Along with the community of fashion forward site users you can search through millions of different looks and 'Heart' all of your favorite ones so that if you ever need inspiration then all you need to do is log into your account and have a rummage though your 'Hearted' looks. It's as easy as pie.
If you are a Blogger then STYLIGHT is the place that you need to be, so hop on over right this second. Bloggers are a huge part of what STYLIGHT is about as they believe that "Bloggers have a unique relationship with fashion, one that our members are eager to follow" and as a Blogger STYLIGHT will give you the amazing opportunity to collaborate with them to create exciting new content. They also have many fun Blogger-related things that you can get involved with including Fashion Weeks, amazing city trips, the chance to work with Bloggers on international brand campaigns, giveaways and even great publicity for your blog and pretty epic editorial features, so if you would like more information about The Blogger Program then click here

The site reminds me of the love child of Pintrest, Lookbook and ASOS which when all combined together makes this pretty awesome site, it's all in one convenient place and it's easy to see why I've quickly become addicted to it. I can't recommend this site enough and, hand on my heart, I think that you'll love it as much as I do. It's free to join, easy to use and just a great all round idea and experience so what are you waiting for Pixies? Get onto STYLIGHT now and also, don't forget to follow me while you're there!