For about two months I’ve been posting a weekly style videos on my channel answering readers’ questions or just offering quick strategies to help you with your style, shopping or how to finally give that closet a good purge. These videos are very impromptu and I usually plop myself down in front of my camera and, in a single take, offer my advice. These weekly videos are featured in my weekly Style Update. Do you subscribe? Look to the right to sign up if you don’t.
A three part series I just finished was on quick tips to clean your closet. To get you started I am posting all three below. But sure to stay tuned to my YouTube channel weekly to see more easy tips that you can use. Also, have a question? Be sure to email me and I’ll answer it for you on an upcoming video.
Three part style videos for cleaning the closet
Tip 1-
Tip 2-
Tip 3-
Have a question you want me to answer via video? Email me at info at bridgetteraes dot com.