Style Swap Tuesdays - Chicwish Eyelet Dress Review

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1
Happy Tuesday Lovelies!
Whoever said that "fashion blogging gave you shopping tendencies" was bang on. For the past two years I was resisting the temptation to shop all the Asian online retailers, Chicwish and Shein to name a few, but this dress ( thanks to a blogger friend for featuring it on her blog), I caved in this time- and I have to admit I am actually impressed with the dress. I had always thought of these asian retailers as stores that sold stuff for dirt cheap prices and of dirt cheap quality. But my recent order proved me wrong. 
The shipment time of 15 days was longer than normal, but otherwise I was pleased with the whole process. Their process of tailoring your order justifies the longer delivery time. The quality of the dress is impressive and surpassed all my expectations. The online size chart was on point. You definitely need to size up, but each item has its own size reference and I would highly recommend referring to these before ordering. The quality and construction of the dress is incredible and I can see myself ordering again from these asian retailers.
What was your experience of these online Asian retailers?? 

CHICWISH dress  // WHO WHAT WEAR heels  // MANGO bag 
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Congratulations to Laurie of Vanity and Me, she is the featured blogger of the week. 

Now it is your turn to share your favorite looks.
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