Style Swap Tuesdays- Be Your Own Valentine

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1
“Eat like you love yourself. Move like you love yourself. Speak like you love yourself. Act like you love yourself and dress like you love yourself. In no way am I trying to advocate selfism but self-love is very important. The way you love yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have. The more loved, cared-for and secure you'll feel, the more love, care and security you'll be able to give and there is no better time to start some self-love than this month of LOVE.  I am setting the tone right one step at a time.  Self-love has no boundaries, it is a very personal thing. Little things like a hot oil-message, ten pages of uninterrupted reading, or ordering a Chinese take-out on a weekday night, anything that makes you feel rested is self-love. To me self-love is smelling pretty flowers, donning a bright lip, twirling carefree in a girly-girl dress and being my own Valentine. So, cheers to another day of self-love and everything pretty little thing that follows.  What is self-love to you, what makes you feel rested? 
LOVERS + FRIENDS dress ( same ) // VALENTINO ROCK STUD pumps ( same ) // c/o PANDORA jewelry 
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Now it is your turn to share outfits that you love. 
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