Stunning Strips On Walls

By Vsudarsan

Patterned stripes are so versatile that you can blend them into any type of stylish room. The only problem with picking stripes is that there are too many options available. They come in vertical or horizontal styles; thick or thin widths; light or dark colors; mild or bold hues. No matter what style you choose, stripes have the power to become the best addition to your room!

These examples here make me want to create this effect in one of my rooms. Horizontal strips are supposed to make the room look taller while the vertical stripes can function to make the room look wider. Equidistant stripes are classy and modern touches to the space. Subtle two-tone effects are easier to work with compared to bright colors but bold stripes are stunning to look at. Vertical stripes seems to be more common and easy to paint compared to horizontal stripes. There are a lot of factors to consider!

Finally, the most important factor is still creating color harmony in the room so that one hue doesn't clash with the other. This goes back to the basics of color combinations and color schemes, so you can always refer back to common knowledge when making big design choices. The end result should send the right amount of energy, calming or energetic, that you are looking for in the room! I hope you like the way these rooms are decorated with stripes. I look forward to your comments!


via: homedesignlover

via: houseofturquoise


via: decoist

via: houseofturquoise
