Stuff I Have Done – The Poorly Christmas Edition

By Mmeguillotine @MmeGuillotine

Pretending to be Sherlock Holmes at the SS Great Britain yesterday.

Pinch, punch, first post of 2014! It’s a bit late in the day, but I got here in the end. In my defence, I’m still (although would appear to be on the mend now) and there was that whole Christmas thing as well. Anyway, it’s all over now and here I am, absolutely raring to get going on a whole new year of blogging once again.

Cable and Cotton LE gold and silver lights/the 5YO being impressed by the Christmas tree/Victoria and Albert together again/Bristol German Christmas market.

Anyway, I thought I’d ease into this gently with a reboot of the ‘Stuff I Have Done Recently’ posts that I know we all enjoy so much. Okay, I enjoy them. As I’ve been ill, I haven’t actually done all that much lately so you’re getting a bumper ‘Stuff I Have Done Over Christmas’ post instead. I know, right. Calm yourselves.

Christmas Pieminister pies on Christmas Eve/Mince pie for Father Christmas on one of my beloved Emma Bridgewater Christmas plates/Christmas dinner with the in laws/roast chicken, bacon, leek and chorizo pie made by me but not eaten by me as I’m a lifelong strict vegetarian.

Isn’t Christmas food marvellous? As I’m vegetarian, we don’t really have any family food traditions in our family other than cider, Baileys and Amaretto in everything, claiming a disgust for Christmas pudding then devouring loads of it anyway (covered in Baileys and Amaretto creams) and Pieminister pies and cheese mash on Christmas Eve because this is Bristol and that’s what we do here.

However, to compensate my family for my finicky vegetarian ways, I like to occasionally put myself out and make something meaty. This may seem like a weird treat but they seem to appreciate the self sacrificial aspect of my slaving over something that I can’t even taste for them all. Anyway, this time around my efforts involved transforming left over roast chicken into a big ole pie with leek, cream, bacon AND chorizo. It went down VERY well.

The 5YO and his Lego Castle/Gilmore Girls for me/the 8YO and his tablet/Eau d’Essex for me.

It’s vulgar to crow excessively about one’s presents BUT we got some fab stuff this year. I am particularly pleased with the Gilmore Girls boxed set I got from my in laws (I LOVE the Gilmore Girls) and the Angel set I got from my husband – I’m always joking about how it smells just like Essex so he got me some to stop me being homesick. Aw.

Fun with our Christmas photo props from Paperchase.

So we had a really nice time, even if I spent a significant amount of my time lying on the sofa feeling sorry for myself. I’m glad it’s all over though – this is going to be a big and challenging year for me and I am keen to get started with it all.

Oh and have you noticed my blog’s rather more modern new look? I’m really pleased with it.

‘Frothy, light hearted, gorgeous. The perfect summer read.’ Minette, my young adult novel of 17th century posh doom and intrigue is now £2.02 from Amazon UK and $2.99 from Amazon US.

Blood Sisters, my novel of posh doom and iniquity during the French Revolution is just a fiver (offer is UK only sorry!) right now! Just use the clicky box on my blog sidebar to order your copy!

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