Students and Sleep

By Sharon Dalzell @Dalzells_Beds

Recent research by Harvard University found that: ‘...irregular sleep patterns are associated with lower academic performance.’ 

As exams loom, many young people skip out on sleep to study into the wee small hours. Missing out on sleep is not only bad for our brain power but cramming for long periods of time without sleep increases the chances of coming down with coughs, colds and upset stomachs – especially among students and young adults.

A recent study showed that bouts of illness declined when pupils had a longer night’s sleep. (Researchers at Bradley Hospital, Rhode Island, Journal of Sleep Research, November 2013).

How Much Sleep Do Young People Need?

Young people need the right amount of sleep in order to function at their the best. It is generally agreed that teens need between 8 – 9 hours of sleep each night. However, many young people do not get this amount as they tend to go to sleep later at night and are up early for school during the week.

Losing sleep erodes concentration and problem-solving ability. According to research, each hour of sleep lost per night is associated with a temporary loss of one IQ point. (Stanley Coren, University of British Colombia).

As many parents know, exam time can be particularly stressful for teens. Feeling stressed and anxious can affect sleeping patterns so it is important that young people learn to establish a good sleeping pattern to help them deal with these times.

Tips For Students On Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

  1. Aim to get 8-9 hours of sleep per night, particularly before exam time. 
  2. Lots of research points to the fact that smartphones, computers, phones or other electrical equipment in the bedroom disrupts sleep. So, as difficult as it sounds, it’s best to switch off before bed!
  3. Again, the temptation to drink caffeinated fizzy drinks or coffee to keep you awake during the night has been a constant down through the years. But, as caffeine can stay in the system for a long time, it can lead to disturbed sleep.
  4. Make sure your bed is fresh and comfortable to sleep in. Research shows that a bed that is 7 years old or more may no longer provide the right amount of support and comfort you need to aid more restful sleep.
  5. Exercise, even a small amount, can help refresh the body and soul, so aim to build in a little into your daily routine to help keep the mind alert.

 What to do next?

Choosing a new Bed or Mattress is an especially important decision given that we spend roughly a third of our lives at sleep. As such it’s vital that you feel confident in both the retailer and the manufacturer. All Beds & Mattresses at Dalzell’s are manufactured here in Ireland or in mainland UK and adhere to the stringent standards of the National Bed Federation for added reassurance. What’s more, with our rapid Free Delivery Service and Free Recycling of your old bed throughout Northern Ireland and Counties Dublin, Louth & Monaghan, you’ll not have to wait long to enjoy your new bed and mattress. We’ll even remove & Dispose of Packaging and assemble your new bed in a room of your choice and provide Free Pillows so you can start enjoying a great night’s sleep straight away. Delivery is also available at competitive rates throughout the rest of Ireland. With additional discounts for Multibuy, and our Price Promise, you can be sure you’re getting a great deal because we appreciate your business! Call, Email or Visit Us In-store.