I’m struggling to believe it’s been nearly two whole years since I started university…the time really has flown by. I thought I’d continue my student summer series by talking about what really worried me before starting university.
This time two years ago, I was focussed on one thing, and one thing only; results day. I don’t mind exams, but I always think I’ve done worse than I really have; I was terrified I wouldn’t get in. I didn’t (and still don’t) have a backup plan – I want to be an actuary, and that’s it! I needn’t have worried as I ended up with a rather respectable A*AAAa, although I do admit to being a teeny bit disappointed! Once I had my place confirmed, the real worries kicked in…
My biggest worry was that of leaving my boyfriend behind. You can see my tips for a long distance relationship on a post a few weeks back, and I am planning on writing one more specifically for students. Thinking back two years, I was terrified to jump into long-distance. I was a phone-call away from changing university to one closer, I got more tearful the closer term became and we had some pretty meaningful conversations in those weeks. My worries ranged from him finding someone better, to just not being able to cope…all of which were unfounded! I can’t say it’s easy, but without a doubt it’s worth it!
I worried about leaving home – I have a great relationship with both my parents and little sister, and I knew I’d miss them. I did miss them, and still do, but I actually found leaving home easier than I expected. I think it helped that I had nice rooms; even if my housemates weren’t perfect in first year I still had somewhere nice to hide away! Skype is a godsend, although I’ve never actually Skyped my family successfully. Instead I talk to them on the phone, regularly, for a good while. Something I really recommend is ringing if you are walking to/from lectures on your own, makes you feel less lonely!
I worried about feeding myself – I was a good cook, but I was worried about the kitchen, whether I’d be too tired etc…all unfounded worries really when you read back over my blog! Best advice I have is to practice over summer, do a big shop (with parents’ money!) when you move in, and stick to simple recipes.
I worried about not drinking. I’m not a huge fan of alcohol; it doesn’t mix with my body well and I actually feel quite ill when I drink it. Don’t get me wrong, an occasional cider or cocktail is something I will go for, but its rare. I have to admit this has been the most difficult part for me, as a lot of people are really rude and judgemental about my attitude to drinking. Even friends who claim not to be actually really upset me occasionally – but I’ve learnt to live with it, and I now feel happier as I’m not conforming to peer pressure. I even played drinking games with a cup of tea…
What were/are your biggest worries about starting university?