Struggling To Sleep? Read This Guide Now

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

When you’re struggling to sleep, it can feel like the world is crumbling around you. Being tired can cause problems throughout your entire day; encouraging you to lose focus, make mistakes, and feel generally unmotivated. Thankfully it doesn’t have to stay this way, as this guide contains everything you need to know to start benefiting from a good night’s sleep in no time. If you’re ready to find out more, then simply read on! 

Image Source – Pexels

Create An Inviting Sleep Space 

It’s absolutely vital that you can take the time to create an inviting sleep space if you want to have the best shot of achieving a great night’s rest, as you rely on your environment to help you drift off and stay asleep. Having to force yourself into an uncomfortable bed inside a cold room that doesn’t have enough curtains or blinds to cover up any windows is going to be a truly nightmarish experience. You need an inviting bed that’s both supportive and soft while being able to block out any light coming through. You need to use the right kind of pillows for your unique wants and needs, as well as a thick, warm duvet and potentially a blanket or two to keep yourself warm during the cold winter nights. The more time and energy that you put into transforming your bed and bedroom into the most welcoming and inviting of spaces, the easier it will be for you to fall asleep and stay asleep without any kind of interruptions. 

Follow A Sleep Hygiene Schedule

Another excellent step that you can follow to promote better sleep is to follow a sleep hygiene schedule. Implementing a routine that you can follow every night to properly prepare yourself for sleep will help both your mind and body to recognize that it is time to rest, helping you to drift off and experience an amazing night’s sleep every time. There are a number of steps that you should aim to include in your schedule, starting with avoiding your smartphone and any other LED screens for at least one hour before bedtime. The harsh artificial blue light inside most device screens can trick your body into believing it’s still daytime, so you’ll be more likely to stay awake long into the night if you decide to start texting before bed. Other simple steps that you can add to your sleep hygiene routine are things like getting changed into a set of comfortable pajamas, swallowing a couple of drops of calming tincture from dank-lite, and ensuring that your windows do not let in a single sliver of light. 

It’s never been easier to start sleeping better when you can take the time to utilize some of the tips and ideas that have been carefully described above, so what are you waiting for? Get out there and experience the benefits of a great night’s sleep!

Thank you for reading!