Structure of a Traditional Italian Menu.

By Hugor @msdiaz61

A traditional Italian menu consists of different phases, it is conceivable that the Pizza in most cases, in Italy, is considered a single dish (single recipe). The typical menu consists of at least four courses: antipasto, primo recipe, secondo and dolce recipe, ie, appetizers, starter, main and dessert.

The antipasto is usually made by small fleshy delicacies is ivas penis and other miniatures. Cousin usually a plate or pasta based or rice. The second is meat or fish and is usually served with some accompaniment, since in these dishes there is only meat or fish and, at most, a little trim.

To accompany braised vegetables offered and also in northern polenta. The last place is the dessert, which might consist of only a small cheese board or a piece of fruit or try a regional specialty. If desired the end as some digestive concoctions are highly effective. It is usually drunk on grappa in the northern regions, south herbal liqueur is most characteristic. Also express can round out the meal.

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