Strips Of Bacon: 3 Easy Content Ideas For Stoner Rock Bands

Posted on the 14 May 2021 by Ripplemusic

So you're out there. You're a stoner rock band. You know you have to post on social media and create stuff for people to look at but you're not really sure what. I get it - it's weird adapting to this era especially if you just want to make some music, go on tour and have that be the end of it.

What I wanted to do was break down some easy content ideas that you can execute without having it drain literally all of your time. These include gear shots, sharing stories of you and your scene and shouting out your friends. All of these are super easy and not time sinks - I promise

This is the easy one that everyone misses. A good gear shot can get some crazy traction on social media and it can bring all manner of people under your umbrella. All you have to do is post a nice well lit photo of a bass or something, show your fans, tell them what it is and what songs you use it on, or what tour you used it on and call it a day.

Here's the thing - the rock fanbase is primarily musicians and people who enjoy high quality instruments, or people doing cool things to their instruments with modding or whatever. So why not cater to that and show them some of that stuff from you? It can get you oodles of followers.

If you've been doing this for any amount of time then the odds are you have some sort of story to tell. Why not share it? Find some old photos that remind you of a story and then write up the story with the photo attached, and call it a day.

Social media is all about storytelling and connecting with people on a personal level. One thing I try to do anytime I post a picture on social is add two more sentences. When I do that it takes whatever I posted from just a post to something much more compelling and interesting.

What's more fun than helping out your friends? Literally nothing. Helping your friends in the scene can be incredibly rewarding and lead to a lot of good things for you down the line too. This is an especially easy type of post since you don't even need to have the content - you just run a good looking post from your friends band.

Shouting out friends also allows you to story tell. You can post a pic of a friends band and explain how you met them or what they do that's so exciting. It's just about helping people see why they are special. Remember - a rising tide lifts all ships.

So yeah - social media posting doesn't need to be hard. All you need to do is run some cool gear shots, share a couple cool stories and shout out your friends. Once you do that the world is your burrito. So why not get cracking?