Striped Coat and Turbant (Outfit)
By Themowway
And I went thrifting and it was cold enough for me to wear my favorite coat! This cat tapestry is one of my favorite bags ever! I snatched it from a charity shop last year for 2EUR and I have been wearing it almost everytime I go secondhand shoppinh. It's like my lucky charm! :) Found this amazing ring `(similar)on sales in Topshop while I was in Dublin. Isn't it super cool?!?! Nino also came along, looking great! Love the color combination here! The weather has gone all crazy! Yesterday it rained non-stop and the temperature dropped to 12 degrees! Crossing my fingers that the temperatures keep down for a few days. Not looking forward to crazy hot Valencian summers... :( It's this stole an amazing piece? Each time I wear it, I love it a bit more. Off work until Thursday, there is lots of sewing going to be going on over here! I am about to finish my first circle skirt and I must asmit that it's looking pretty!! Special thanks to lovely Norma from "Mi Diario en Tinta verde" who liked this post and decided to feature it on her blog (read her post here!). This is what I wanted to achieve when I started my blog: to inspire people. I have made it! I am so, so, happy. Thanks Norma!
Coat: Blanco (15)
Cardigan: Zara (15)
Dress: New Yorker (15)
Handbag: Thrifted (2)
Booties: Local shop (10)
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