Don't let this picture fool you. Bean doesn't eat. He's never been a good eater and he eats very small amounts when he does eat. But lately, it's been worse than usual. Bean has been on an on-again off-again hunger strike for the last two weeks. This week, he is on again. He hasn't eaten anything but breast milk, puffs, veggie straws and coconut milk yogurt for the last four days. I'm at a loss for what to do next.
The strike started when he was working on a tooth but I think his motivation has shifted. He is a big boy now and has decided he is O.V.E.R. purees. He enjoys feeding himself (finally!) but the only finger foods he likes or will tolerate are crunchy meltables like puffs and veggie straws. We've tried cutting up small pieces of everything and anything. That just offends him and makes him stop eating entirely.
All kids go though a stage where they are ready for big kid food but they don't eat enough to sustain them. Most parents can fill the gap with purees and milk/formula. Not Bean. This stage is especially pronounced for him and other kids with oral/feeding aversions as is common with Williams syndrome and is taking him a good amount of time to learn to deal with texture.
His therapists aren't sure what to do other than wait it out. That's easier said than done because he is up all night long - even worse than usual - wanting to nurse.
So, WS mommies and moms to picky/challenging eaters...any tips/tricks/hints? This mom is tired and I'll try anything!
Oh, and speaking of food - for those that are keeping track - fish seems to be a pass. I got the green light to try shellfish in my diet (not Bean's) next. Just in time for summer. Yay!