Today has been one of those stressful days that I know is going to come back and rear it's ugly head tomorrow!
Is it just me who feels that lupus and many othe chronic illnesses have a cruel habit of not causing pain during a stressful period, instead choosing to remind you of it at a later date!
My main concern is to deal with the situation as it's happening in the hop that it will reduce the joint pain and fatigue; sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but here is how I do it!
What is the stresser?
Right this second mine is a combination of things! It's the train I am currently sat on, it's money (usually the cause of my stress and it's a long list of small niggles throughout my day!
I know what each of them is, meaning that I can try and deal with them one at a time. One thing you learn to do with lupus is know what to stress about and what to leave until tomorrow! I cannot do anything about my finances right now so that's one to let go and so on and so on.....
(Here's a calming image of the sea....deep breaths)
The hard part about identifying the stresser is when you simply have no idea what it is. It may well be a combination of many small things or be because you are having a flare up! As chronic illnesses can lead to depression, it is important to give ourselves the time to try and identify anything that can cause stress and eradicate it.
Knowing my coping mechanisms
We all have them, but so many of us lose sight of them along the way! I am the type of person to panic at first and then take my time to weigh up obtions, then I will make lists....lots of lists!!!!
When you know that a stresser is on it's way, consider how you will deal with it! If it's work then maybe you need to plan your week, if it's money then have a look at your budget and tell someone.
Actually the most important part of that is to tell someone! Something I have learnt the hard way. Share your stress with someone even if they can't make a physical impact it will help you mentally!
Prepare yourself for the inevitable
I know that today will mean sore joints tomorrow, the rash will reappear and my stomach will be all over the place. So I shall prepare for that both mentally and physically,
I shall make sure I have the right pain killers and foods that will settle my stomach! That's the number one priority and the digestive issues don't help with my weight loss and apetite....I just simply have none!
Mentally I have to remind myself that I will be ok one day, maybe not tomorrow or the day after but one day I will not be stressed!