Stress Symptoms in Women

By Paperblog101

Fighting the Blues Think for a moment about how your body might be a little like a car. If you put the wrong type of gasoline into your car’s tank, it’s not likely to run very well. If you put cooking oil instead of motor oil into the engine, it’s very likely to break down completely.

Now think about what you put into your own tank each and every day to keep your motor running. You might think you’re eating enough food to sustain you on a daily basis, but really think about what nutritional value you’re adding into those meals.

Once again, to use the car analogy, if you were to fill your car’s gas tank with water, it would be full – but it won’t be full of what it needs to run properly.

The same is true with your body.In order to really function properly and really respond to any kind of infertility treatments, you need to overhaul your current nutritional plan.look at some ways you can cut out the processed foods and replace it with healthier options. Are there any ways you could increase the nutrients you consume by replacing a few simple things?

Of course, it’s also worth looking at what else you’re putting into your body’s tank. Things like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and drugs can also reduce your chances of conceiving naturally, as they affect the normal functions of your body.There are plenty of ways to add more nutritional value to your diet each day, but

it’s still important to realize why you’re doing it.

Stress Symptoms in Women and infertility

Did you know that researchers have found a link between high stress levels in women and infertility? When women suffer from stress, they release testosterone into their systems.this can make them seem more aggressive, more upset, more moody and definitely less able to cope with the pressures of life without reaching breaking point.

To counteract these stress hormones, women need to release oxytocin, which reduces stress levels and brings about a sense of being in a loving, nurturing life.

Learning to combat stress effectively can play an important role in reversing infertility, as too much testosterone in your system can reduce the chances of you releasing the right pregnancy hormones you need to fall pregnant.