Stress Relief for A Stressful World

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. It’s been a bit busier at work this week, so writing has taken a back seat. That’s okay though because I’m at a crossroads, and I’m noodling some changes. But enough about that, today I’d like to talk about dealing with stress. First of all, what is stress?

Stress: A state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.

Now, everyone experiences stress at some point in their lives. Maybe you’re going through a divorce or a nasty breakup. Maybe you’ve lost your job, or you’re worried about money. Maybe you’re dealing with a nasty neighbor. All of these events are stressful and cause us to react. Sometimes we react in a positive way and deal with it, and sometimes we don’t. Sometimes an event stresses out that we have no control over. In that situation, giving it to a higher power helps.

However, sometimes we need to use other stress relievers to help us calm down. So, below is a list of stress relievers that I like to use, you’ll find them helpful to you.


I’m a runner. I try to run at least three or four times a week. It helps me deal with the stress from my job and writing. Running or any form of exercise for that matter, releases endorphins in the brain which are the “feel good” neurotransmitters in the brain. The more you exercise, the better you feel. It also has many health benefits as well. Some examples include weight control and cardiovascular health, to name a few.


I love hiking in the woods or along the beach. Because it’s exercise, hiking also releases endorphins in the brain, but did you know hiking in the woods has an extra benefit? That’s right, the trees and foliage release phytoncides which have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal qualities that help plants fight disease. We breathe these in, and they kill tumors and virus infected cells in our bodies. So not only is hiking good for you mentally, but it’s also good for you physically as well.


Reading is another stress reliever. Did you know reading for just fifteen minutes a day reduces your stress level by sixty-eight percent? Reading is an excellent source of relief when you can’t get outside or to the gym to exercise.


Another great way to deal with stress is to reach out to your tribe. If you don’t have one, start cultivating one. It’s so important to have someone you can talk with, who can bring you down off the ledge. Someone who can help you keep things in perspective when you’re reacting emotionally to a situation.


Develop a hobby like birdwatching or writing or painting. Engaging in activities like these will help get your mind off your stress and relax you.


Sometimes the way to deal with a problem is to focus on someone else’s. That’s right helping someone else solve their problem, or volunteering to help people who are less fortunate than you can help put things in perspective, and sometimes the solution to your problem presents itself when you’re not looking.

So, there you have it, some stress relieving tips that will help you stay the course. How about you? Do you have any tips you’d like to share? Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!