Strength and Dignity

By Mischieviousmum

Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure; And she smiles at the future [knowing that she and her family are prepared].”
‭‭PROVERBS‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭AMP‬‬

I am surrounded by strong, kind and honourable women.   Women who I really admire and look up too.    I value these women in my life.   For many of these women, their smile hides their troubles – They stand tall despite their circumstances.   What I love most is that their trust is in God, and their joy is in Him.    They walk to the beat of God’s drum, and choose to look UP rather than at their circumstances.

It is through friendship that I know their circumstances.

‘Strength and dignity are her clothing…’

The thing with clothing is that we put on our clothing.   We choose our clothing, and we dress ourselves with our choices.   What do we clothe ourselves with?   Words can build us up, or they can break us down.    The choice is ours really. Our identity needs to be in Who God says we are.

It is through strength and dignity that we are strong and secure.    This brings us joy, because we don’t question our worth, our identity, or whose we are.     It is easy to smile at the future when our complete trust is in God, Our Father in Heaven.

So as we get dressed for our day, what words are we going to dress ourselves with?  What words are we going to speak over our lives?    Today I give my day to God, and I choose to believe His words over my life.  It’s going to be a great day.   Let’s go!!