Street Shots... Leicester, UK

By Raddadcollective
Pedestrian Subway

Welcome to the information age...
In the sometimes underground world of graffiti, we have to hit some surreal spots to bring you the news as we see it, it's all part of the job. Leicester has it's fair share of buildings and 'off the beaten track walls' - in this post we check in on one!
With some inside info from our friends at HQ Gallery we were given a few spots to look into, although we didn't managed to get to every location- reasons; yes it was snowing, yes it was slippery and yes it was cold but we did manage to find this pedestrian subway to click in. 
This is what's so great about graffiti, it's not only the urbexing (urban exploration) and the freedom of expression it's the fact that graff still has that underground feel about it (literally in this case) that keeps the adrenaline pumping. Whether your the artist or the or person admiring the piece you still get that buzz, after all if was always 'artist friendly' where would the challenge be ☋
This is what we saw...

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill