Street Feet: Polka Dot Rainboots

By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz

Raindrops and Polka Dots: Feeling Right as Rain in Adorable Dotted Rainboots

Like All the Girls in Boston. When I wore these adorable polka dotted rainboots out and about on Greenwood Ave the other day, I received quite an unusual amount of comments from passerbys. Among the handful of "cute boots," and "nice boots" and "hey polka dots!" came my favorite comment- slung at me by a tall, gaunt cowboy looking gentleman in his early to mid fifties. 
Said gent was outside a bar, smoking a cigarette and somehow had managed in between his  puffs to nod at me and say: "Hey, nice boots! You know all the girls in Boston are wearing those boots."

I stopped in my polka dotted tracks. I turned to face him. 

"Oh yeah?" I say.

Cowboy: Exhale. Nod. 

"Yeah," he replied. "All the girls in Boston. Especially the young ones. They go about wearing boots just like that." I nod. 
"They look nice, he says. "You look nice," Boston cowboy hat takes another puff of his cigarette. His face lit up at the memory of all those girls. Wearing all those boots. He smiled, giving me a good look up and down. "Yeah, you look like all the girls in Boston wearing those boots."

Here's where it would have been smart to answer back in my best Goodwill-Hunting accent, to say in my best Ben Affleck/Matt Damon voice a Beantown "Thank you." Only I'm shitty at accents, so I just said it in my signature high pitched Nor-Cal utterance: "Hey yeah, that's cool. Hey thanks!" 

A perky nod, an about face, and a march onto my destination. In my polka dot rainboots. 

Just like all the girls in Boston.

Now Wearing:
Polka Dot Rainboots, similar HERE