Street Artist D*Face Archived & Unseen Works

By Invisiblemadevisible @imv_streetart

Street Artist D*Face Archived & Unseen Works Exhibition

StolenSpace Gallery is excited to present a unique solo show of archived and unseen works by London based street artist D*Face. 

D*Face Archived & Unseen Exhibition

Curated together for the first time, these pieces are being celebrated after dusting off the cobwebs during a studio clear out. 

D*face had to call in professional help to organize his hoarding haven, luckily there were no dead rats - but some rare gems and dead queens were found, editions that were meant to have been released but never were, and a few more misprints tucked away

Street Artist D*Face Archived & Unseen Works

This is an exciting opportunity to get a peek into the creative world of his studio, as StolenSpace unmask hidden prints and unique paper pieces.
Expect to see his recognisable family of dysfunctional characters and imagery, some of which have been misprinted or played around with to create truly special one-offs.
Some truly individual test prints will also be on show, demonstrating the dedication and experimentation that goes into creating the perfect print.

The plan chests have been decluttered, the drawers have been opened, so please join us to support D*face in helping part ways with pieces that have never seen the light of day!

D*Face Archived & Unseen
Exhibition dates: 04th September 2020 running until the  27th September 2020.

Location: StolenSpace Gallery,17 Osborn Street, London E1 6TD