Street Art Sunday In Porto

By Gail Aguiar @ImageLegacy

street art by Mariana Rio at Jardim da Praça Coronel Pacheco (UPTEC-PINC)

My street art photography collection grew significantly today, after picking up my Canadian friends from Porto Airport in the morning and taking them around the city. They couldn’t check into their AirBnB until the afternoon, so we locked up their bags at Trindade Metro Station and hit the pavement with three cameras between us. Some of the street artworks shown here are new, some I’ve posted before, some I’d only previously shot with my phone and not the DSLR.

I know I would improve the efficiency in labelling these pictures (artist/street name) by leaps and bounds if I’d turned on the GPS on my phone. Instead, I forget to do it and when I sit in front of the computer later to tag the images, I have to scour the internet and maps for clues. But I finally finished adding artist names and street locations to all of them, which took some time. OK, a lot of time, but that’s my own fault.

The rate at which street art expands and changes in this city is dizzying. I love it!

For more street art, check out my Instagram or view all street art photos (phone + DSLR) in my Porto Street Art board on Pinterest.

{ More photos in the Spring 2016 album. }

by Youth One in Largo Moínho de Vento

by Charters de Almeida (1969) at Jornal de Notícias, Rua de Gonçalo Cristóvão

by godmess on Rua Sá de Noronha

by Mesk on Travessa de Cedofeita

by Hazul between Rua Sá de Noronha and Rua José Falcão

A Invicta mural by Hazul, near Trindade Metro Station

by Base 23, Rua do Mirante

by Costah on Rua do General Silveira

‘Selfies and tourism can kill’ by David Selor off Rua Sá de Noronha

by David Selor on Rua dos Mártires da Liberdade

by David Selor on Rua do Alferes Malheiro

by Costah, Lara Luís, Mesk in Largo Moínho de Vento

street art by David Selor on Rua dos Mártires da Liberdade

street art (“Isle of Death”) by Vidam + Look the Weird on Rua do Mirante

May 15, 2016
Album: Portugal [Spring 2016]