Street Art In Shoreditch, London

By Gail Aguiar @ImageLegacy

I shot such a volume of street art in Shoreditch a few weeks ago that I’ll have to post them in installments. Here’s the first one — minus the chill!

Lucky for me, I stayed with a friend who lived nearby, which made it incredibly easy for me to walk over and photograph to my heart’s content before I flew to Glasgow that afternoon. I had a little preview of Shoreditch the night before when my friend and I went for dinner at a Syrian restaurant on Brick Lane. I’m a sucker for Middle Eastern food and as soon as I saw their menu in the window, I couldn’t pass it by. The food selection in London was something I’d been looking forward to ever since I booked my flights back in November, and the chilly weather was a great excuse to be indoors, eating. (Not like I ever needed an excuse to eat, though.)

The night preview gave me a chance to scout where I’d go in the morning and estimate how far I could wander without rushing back. I even had enough time to grab some bagels for the journey, to compare them with Montreal’s from St. Viateur and Fairmount. (Verdict: no contest — Montreal’s bagels are miles better, but it was an interesting experience ordering them from a woman who looked like she’d walked straight off the set of an ’80s-era episode of EastEnders.) I also stopped by a book shop, Old Spitalfields Market, narrow laneways, quirky cafés, and wherever caught my eye.

The photos are in no particular order, and I’ll post the rest eventually. More photos from the UK trip in the album.

January 26, 2017
Album: UK [January 2017]