Strawberry Orange Sprinkles Poke Cake

By Cakeyboi

Nothing quite says celebration to me more so than sprinkles. I love sprinkles, I pick them up wherever I can. TK Maxx does great ones, B&M also is another great place. And I used two different types, from these very shops for this celebration cake – in honor of birthday month here on Cakeyboi. 
It’s a white cake flavoured with strawberry, holes poked into it then filled with orange jelly. Once set it is frosted with a fluffy white frosting made from cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and double cream.And sprinkles are in everything!

I only discovered poke cake the other week when having a look at different recipes online. Some recipes went for strawberry jelly, which you could see more clearly  in the cake. The orange doesn’t show up too well sadly. But you can taste it. In fact, my tasters all said that the cake was very trifle like, with the cream, sponge and fruit flavours going on. Oh and they said it was the moistest cake they had ever tried!
Here’s how I made it:
Yield: One 9”x13” sheet cake
Cake ingredients:400 grams plain flour1 tablespoon baking powder½ teaspoon salt225 grams, unsalted softened butter450 grams granulated sugar1 tablespoon strawberry flavor extract7 large egg whites250 ml milk (any kind)2-3 tablespoons sprinkles1 pack of orange jelly (makes one pint)Adapted from Woodland Bakery Blog
Frosting ingredients:110 grams full-fat cream cheese60 grams granulated sugar1 teaspoon vanilla extract250 ml double cream
Cake method:Line and grease a 9”x13” baking pan. Pre-heat the oven to 180C.
In a bowl, sift together the flour, salt and baking powder. In another bowl mix together the egg whites, milk and strawberry flavouring.
In the bowl of a mixer, beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. The mix should look pale in color. Add one third of the flour mix and gently mix through. Add half of the wet mix and mix this until incorporated. Repeat with another third of the flour, the remaining wet mix and the last of the flour. Lastly add the sprinkles and mix through evenly.

Transfer the cake batter to the prepared pan and bake in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center.
Allow the cake to cool for about half an hour, then begin to poke holes all over the cake. Make up the jelly as instructed then pour this into the holes of the cake slowly until it has all been absorbed.

Pop the cake into the fridge for a minimum of 3 hours, or better still overnight.
When set, carefully remove the cake from the pan and remove the paper. Wash out the pan and dry, then carefully place the cake back in.
To make the frosting, in the bowl of a mixer, beat the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla together until soft. Add the double cream and beat until the mixture is thickened and is spreadable.

Spread the frosting on top of the cake evenly and scatter even more sprinkles on top.

Pop back into the fridge for an hour for the frosting to set. Then the cake is ready to devour. Slice into squares and watch everyone take a slice of sprinkle heaven! Enjoy…