Storm Chaser Mike

Posted on the 20 January 2014 by Bearbottomproductions @BearBottomProd

Welcome West Michigan Storm Chasers.

I am Mike.  I am one of the brains to this awesome page.  That includes Bear Bottom Production, West Michigan Storm Chasers and their respective FaceBook and Twitter pages.  I feel in love with weather when I was a really young kid.  I was out playing basketball when I saw a lightening strike in the distance.  A weather creature was born.

Since then I have followed weather and am always outside in the worst of it (Safely though).  A couple years ago I got with Rebecca, while we were working together, and we were discussing our passion for weather and what we liked most about it.  She mentioned that she had a page she ran (West Michigan Storm Chasers) and wanted help running it.  I offered to help her.  From there another Monster was created.  When I first joined her on the page, we had somewhere around 30-40 Likes and covered just the west side of Michigan (Ludington South).  Since then we have grown to over 150 Likes and now we cover West and Central Michigan as well as Central and Northern Indiana.  Enough though about the page and how I got started here.

I am a graduate of Western Michigan University.  I lived in Michigan before moving to Indiana for a job.  I miss the storms off the lake and the effects they have in the winter already.  I am a crazy nut, in a good way.  Like i mentioned before, I am the first one out the door when there is a storm approaching.  I have been in hail storms, blizzards, tornadoes and some of the craziest winds.  I am not afraid of weather, with that said though, I would never put anyone or even myself in harms way if I did not think I was able to handle it.

I am the one mostly posting info on the Twitter and FaceBook pages.  I provide all of the tracking info, up-to-date Watches and Warnings and even once in a while Live broadcast about a storm.

Look forward to bring you weather updates!