Stop Using “I’m Broke” As An Excuse Not To Get Back In Shape!

By Lamamma @LAmamma1

If we’re honest with ourselves, we all wish that we were a little fitter, a little stronger, a little leaner or a little more svelte. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but our own self image is not something that should be underestimated or ignored. No matter how many times our friends, family or significant others may tell us that we’re beautiful those compliments will just bounce off us like raindrops off a duck’s back if we don’t have a healthy opinion of ourselves. And when self loathing strikes, it can not only damage our self perception, it can also push us into some really unhealthy behaviors. We start to compare ourselves to others endlessly, seeing the beauty in them that’s so utterly absent in ourselves. We start to see more imperfections every time we look in the mirror. A wrinkle that wasn’t there yesterday, a patch of cellulite that’s gotten even more pronounced or a pocket of flesh beneath the chin that’s ruining the delicacy of your jawline. Poor self esteem is like a funhouse mirror. It can warp our perception of what’s there until what we see in the mirror is completely different to what others see as we look at us. Left unchecked this can lead to psychologically damaging body dysmorphia.

Over time we’ll feel increasingly powerless to change our bodies and the way we perceive them. We’ll feel as though the path to health and fitness is so strewn with obstacles that it’s virtually impossible to traverse. We can find ourselves using food as the sole means by which we console ourselves. We’ll start to turn a blind eye to our own nutrition and rely increasingly on the kinds of prepackaged ready made convenience foods which we know will erode our health even as they inflate our waistlines. Seriously, did you know that processed meats have been classified as type 1 carcinogens by the World Health Organization? That means that your pepperoni pizza is in the same carcinogenic category as a pack of cigarettes!

You know that you can’t go on like this and if you don’t make efforts to get yourself back in shape and take your health, fitness and beauty into your own hands you’ll be condemned to a lifetime of guilt and self loathing. The giddy thrill of the junk foods you enjoy will offer diminishing returns and you’ll feel yourself growing more and more miserable. You’ll start to make excuse after excuse. “I don’t have time”, “I could easily do it if I didn’t have kids” and that old chestnut “I can’t afford to get in shape!”. How many times have you used the prospective cost of getting in shape as a get out to stop yourself from getting off the sofa and at least trying? If you have a sincere desire to get in shape and take a proactive approach to your health yet you’re genuinely worried that your household budget can’t bear the expense, read on. We’re about to blow the “I’m broke!” excuse right out of the water.

Just how broke are you, really?

Lots of people say that they’re broke, but their problems could easily be solved with better budgeting, self discipline and better financial management. If you’re too broke to afford healthy food or a gym membership, yet you never go a week without booze or cigarettes, something’s very wrong.

Very often using a household budget template is a great way to order your finances so long as you actually stick to it. As tempting as it can certainly be to bury your head in the sand when it comes to owning your household finances, the more actively you manage them, the more you’ll find that you can move your money around to accommodate the things in life that really matter. And if your self belief and mental health are plagued by poor body image or if you’re currently at an unhealthy weight that could soon impinge upon your health… Getting in shape matters!

Make discount codes your new best friend

Lots of people preface an effort to get in shape with a huge shopping spree. They spend a small fortune on the right clothing, shoes, equipment and supplements in the hope that this financial commitment will force them to stay the path and give their health and fitness the dedication that they deserve. And while this may work for some, don’t think for one second that you need to spend a fortune to begin your fitness journey.

There’s absolutely no reason why you can’t start working out in the same scruffy clothes that you usually reserve for when you’re doing housework. But even if you feel that investing in new gear and equipment, you needn’t spend a fortune paying full retail prices. Instead, use discount codes to your advantage or invest in some gift cards. This discount card right here is available either digitally or as a physical card and can give you a great sporting goods discount. Thus armed, you’re able to make the best possible start to your fitness journey without worrying about money.  

You don’t need an expensive gym to get in shape

It’s a common fallacy that you can only get the best fitness results by joining a gym. Yet while those who join a gym do tend to get the best results, it’s not always for the reasons one assumes. Sure, a fancy expensive gym may have row after row of bleeding edge shiny equipment. Sure they may have a wonderful steam room and sauna and sure you can round off your workout with a quick dip in the heated swimming pool. But the reason why people tend to get in better shape when they join a gym is not necessarily because of the fancy equipment.

It’s because gym instructors can offer guidance. They can listen to your specific goals and plan your exercise and diet regimen accordingly. They can select exercises which are specifically chosen to give you the gains that you want in the area you want… But in the digital age, you can have the best of both worlds. You can get all the individualized care of a personal trainer remotely online without spending a penny in gym membership. The rise of online Personal Trainers has resulted in a level of competition that means you’ll be able to get the service you want at a price that suits you, and if you don’t have the funds, time or inclination to join a gym, your online PT can recommend some isometric or body weight exercises you can do from home which will help you to achieve your goals, whatever they may be. Even if you don’t have the coin spare to pay for an online PT there are more than enough YouTube tutorials that can teach you how to build lean muscle mass and burn body fat from home. You don’t even need to buy weights. A juice bottle filled with sand makes for a great dumbbell.

Exercise smart for the best results

If your goal is to ditch body fat and sculpt and tone your body, you may feel that cardio is the only way to go. And while it’s true that an early morning run and regular sessions of High Intensity Interval Training are great for blitzing body fat, it’s important not to neglect strength training. Strength training is enormously important for fat loss. As your muscles grow stronger they will boost your metabolism and ensure that you burn more body fat even when you’re not working out. It’s also essential for sculpting your body and subtly changing your posture and muscular composition for a leaner and healthier body.

Eating right is not expensive!

Okay, now we have to address a common fallacy. Many people assume that eating right costs too much money and thus those with limited food budget resign themselves to a life of high calorie, low nutrient ready meals and sugary, fatty and salty convenience foods. But you can eat a perfectly healthy and balanced diet even on the strictest of budgets with just a little imagination.

Sure, meat, fish and dairy are expensive… so don’t buy them. Studies show that a wholefoods, plant based diet is the best way to lose weight anyway. Don’t let the carbophobes, keto enthusiasts and Atkins acolytes fool you. Carbohydrates are important but not the kinds of refined carbohydrates that come from white flour or trans fats laced baked products. The carbohydrates found in fresh veggies, fruits, wholegrains and pulses can help you to sustain muscle mass (without glycogen from carb sources your muscles will remain flat and anemic no matter how much protein you consume) while the inevitably low levels of saturated fats will keep you lean.  

Don’t have time? Make the time!

Finally, it’s important to address one more old chestnut. Now that you’ve found out that you can get in shape without spending a fortune, you may hear a voice in your head telling you that you don’t have the free time. Well, tell that little voice that it needs to make the time.
Get up an hour earlier, go to bed an hour earlier instead of sneaking in an extra episode of Game of Thrones. All it takes is an investment of 3-5 hours of your time a week to change your life… Surely that’s a worthy investment?