STOP the Mommy Wars & START the Peace Talks

By Verybusymama @verybusymama
I've judged and I've been judged. 
Yes, we've ALL done it. 
I've been a working mom, stay at home mom and a work at home mom and for each I've been scrutinized by fellow mothers.
This week, kicked off the conversation to put an end to the bickering between mothers in collaboration with HLN's Raising America. Fellow blogger and friend Ana Flores wrote a feature about getting past our feuding and why we need to support each other with the choice we make in motherhood and stop the judging — which is only hurting, not helping us get ahead.
I couldn't just sit back and not tell you what I think, so naturally I vlogged about it.
WARNING — I have a baby in my arms and I make no apologies!

Catherine Conners, Editor-in-Chief of on HLN Raising America

So now first things first, let's admit we have a problem and move past it. I am urging you to blog or vlog and put an end to this.
Don't judge. Support.