Stockpiling Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
The Gaza Report on Twitter/X reported a short while ago that Gazan civilians somehow discovered that UNRWA was storing humanitarian aid food, while they have no food available and food on the black market is skyrocketing.
The civilians got upset to discover the UNRWA stage of food designated for them but not being distributed to them. They made a run on the warehouses and raided them taking food and supplies.
The question is why UNRWA is storing the aid rather than distributing it. 
My theory is that they are storing [some of] the aid so they can use it to feed the Israeli hostages their agents are holding....
Nah, forget it. They wouldnt feed the hostages they hold. At least not enough to need to store all that aid - just a pittance if anything. They must be storing it for Hamas.

In this discussion, a resident shares his story:
"What corruption!
We are four people, among us refugees and we are looking to find or even buy food. The UNRWA agent didnt give us anything-- the police told the agent it is forbidden to distribute"

— Gaza Report - اخبار غزة (@gaza_report) December 6, 2023

The UNRWA agent then proceeds to criticize the Agency:
"What are you waiting for?
Why this slow distribution?...
...This is happening not just due to chaos, but another side shares responsibility for this, and everyone knows who it is..."

— Gaza Report - اخبار غزة (@gaza_report) December 6, 2023

Others share what they claim is a testimony from a lower level UNRWA worker himself, where he says
"I stood amazed and shocked by the amount of food, cleaning materials, mattresses, and tents ready, in large numbers, piling up in the warehouses.

— Gaza Report - اخبار غزة (@gaza_report) December 6, 2023

Another angle of the chaos after angry Gazan residents penetrated four UNRWA warehouses this morning to find them filled with undistributed aid. The incident causes major controversy.

— Gaza Report - اخبار غزة (@gaza_report) December 6, 2023

Another angle of the chaos after angry Gazan residents penetrated four UNRWA warehouses this morning to find them filled with undistributed aid. The incident causes major controversy.

— Gaza Report - اخبار غزة (@gaza_report) December 6, 2023

Good thing Israel decided to let in humanitarian aid after world pressure insisted on it. Maybe the world should pressure UNRWA to distribute some of it...
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