Stock Up on Swimsuits For Next Year

By Covethercloset @covethercloset

I know you probably don’t really feel like buying swimsuits right now, with Back to School shopping campaigns everywhere and the fall sweaters already in stores.  But right now is the perfect time to stock up on all of the clearance swim styles at all of the major retailers.  Buying a swimsuit for $60 each piece is ridiculous.  Avoid such wastefulness for next year by snapping up as many clearance suits as you feel like throwing in your drawers for next year.  You can always have more swimsuits, especially when they cost about $5 a pop.  Grab colors and styles you love and a few that you aren’t sure about.  Heck, you could trade the ones you don’t like with your friends next year, with the tags still attached of course.

I am always in need of another swimsuit, one for the car for random unscheduled trips to the beach, one for the hot tub, one for the cabin that I don’t have, one for the gym, one for my fat days, etc.  The list could go on forever.  You always need more.  They are like candy, you can never have enough and all of the colors are addicting.  Don’t be dumb and wait until the new styles come out next year, get ones on the cheap now and everyone will be asking where you got that cute suit next Summer. Bonus…they won’t be able to copy you because it was from last season.  That’s your little secret.  Bathing suits don’t really go out of style if you buy the classics in a cut that fit you well.  They are worth buying at the lowest price point you can find them.  P.S., I am still on the hunt for the perfect swim cover up.  So if you find it right now on the clearance rack, please let me know.

Right now, swim separates are on super clearance at the some of the more trendy fashion forward stores:

Target   $6-$13 each separate (a savings of 50%)

American Eagle  $15 each separate (a savings of 50-75%)

H&M  $5 each separate (a savings of 50%)

Victoria’s Secret $15 and up (a savings of 50-75%)

Macy’s all price points (a savings of 50-75%)