Still Visible After All Those Years

By Arianel
Hi Ladies!To all the lovely Ladies who linked to Show Me Your Style #6A big Thank YOUUn Gros Merci!

This week posting pics from when i started blogging in 2010Visible then and Visible now!  
This is the first ever pic I published on Flickr December 31, 2009


 I read a lot on other blogs that a lot of you fabulous  Ladies are trying to simplify your wardrobeI try to simplify my life so i have more time for my closet

I simplify my life to spend 15 more minutes in my closet every morningI sit there with my coffee and I say what a beautiful  walkin i have!I love it in there, it's sacred, it's my turf, no one is aloud unless invited I don't get  -Clothes that will get me out the door fast Most morning i don't want to go out  there in the jungle ,period! I love my over the top, ready to explode closetMind you i clean and purge often I donate, share, swap  and sell  the clothes that doesn't inspire me anymore and don't feel guilty at allAnd if i feel guilty, ma! it passes!who cares!I'm the worst example in the world, but God! do i have fun!

I don't intend to simplify my wardrobe yet,  there is a ban on neutrals in my closet I don't need or desire anything for FallI bought it all already!Invest in an expensive piece, na! And if i got one i thrifted it!
Until then fill you closets with fun and fun
I will be joining Monday Mingle 