Still Loved Still Missed! The Myriad Hues Of Souls by Mridula published by Notion Press is a sleek book of just 75 pages containing 14 powerful short stories and a solo lovely poem which are having a scintillating mix of various flavors of emotions. All these are beatific, intresting, intriguing, simple, and soul touching. These stories create a different kind of mix of various feelings experienced by us while facing variant colors and aspects of life. How many times in life do we pass through a sad phase in life that might be actually a short phase but appears unduly long and energy drenching. You get cornered to a space that is dark and damp with nobody around to hold your hand and console you. The Passing is such an introspective story that left me speechless for a while after I finished this two and a half page story.
These stories and that solo piece of poetry in Still Loved Still Missed! The Myriad Hues Of Souls by Mridula forced me to think, introspect, think again, and introspect again various things during this story journey. I noticed, the same story, when I read again, placed me in a different pool of feelings. That's the beauty of the writing. Here's an excerpt from the story The Passing that truly impressed me too much.
"Wait!" she ordered. "The end will be near if you shut your senses and kill your human mind. Then, you win. If you care what you see here, you will fail. I have enough fairflies here!"
Then, he took the only bread he had for the journey. He gave the boy a piece.
Within minutes, a new firefly was flying around.
This he failed.
Wow! It's wonderful. So deep. So meaningful. Truly intriguing and introspecting.
There's another story Still Loved...Still Missed in this superb collection Still Loved Still Missed! The Myriad Hues Of Souls by Mridula that is a little longer but a must read. Overall, this is a superb creation.
You can buy the book here. (Disclaimer: This is my affiliate link as I am an influencer on Amazon).I'm participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter