Still Losing Weight! Week 4 on Nutrisystem | Results #NSNation #Spon

By Thepracticalmommy2 @PracticalMommy2

Nutrisystem Review

Still Losing Weight! Week 4 on Nutrisystem | Results #NSNation #Spon

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Nutrisystem. I received the Nutrisystem My Way Selects and the Fast Five products for free for the purpose of this review. The words and opinions are 100% mine.

Thanks to Nutrisystem, I'm still losing weight!  I am another pound closer to my healthy weight goal, even though I learned a lesson the hard way this week. 

Does Nutrisystem Work? 

Last week I discussed why I think Nutrisystem works. This week I have learned a valuable lesson: sometimes people don't work well. 

And that includes me. From the day I started on Nutrisystem, I was tracking every single thing I ate. For some reason this week, I just didn't for three days. It was a BIG mistake!Tracking what you eat when you're trying to lose weight holds you accountable. When you don't track, then you may eat without thinking, even if you're eating the right foods. This was my problem. For those three days I didn't track what I ate, I must have eaten more than I should. I didn't stray and go crazy with pizza or cookies, or ice cream, or chocolate (in fact, I was around a lot of junk food this week and I avoided it!), but even the healthy foods I ate just added up. Due to my lack of tracking, I didn't lose as much as I had hoped. Lesson learned. I am going to go back to tracking my stats on the Nutrisystem Food Diary App on my phone and in my tracking journal. 
Answer this with a comment below: Do you track what you eat and your exercise every day? 

Nutrisystem Shipment

At least my newest shipment of Nutrisystem will be arriving soon. I'm looking forward to seeing what foods I get this time around from the My Way Program! 

Learn more about the Fast Five and My Way Program in Nutrisystem's announcement here. 

This week I lost 1lbs,  for a total of 16 lbs lost so far!

My Results on Nutrisystem

Starting Weight: 226 lbsWeek 1 Results: 218 lbs (-8 lbs)Week 2 Results: 215 lbs (-3 lbs, -11 lbs total)Week 3 Results: 211 lbs (-4 lbs, - 15 lbs total)Week 4 Results: 210 lbs (-1 lbs, -16 lbs total)

Interested in starting your own weight loss journey? Visit or call 1-800-435-4074. 

Follow Me! 
Marissa is a stay-at-home mom who writes pregnancy and parenting articles on HubPages as ThePracticalMommy, as well as shares her motherly escapades on Mommy Knows What's Best.