Still Here.

By Myfilmproject09

So I'm still waiting for my $$ but also dealing with an agent that I had known before, actually my first agent in L.A. He was not quite a good agent, but tried and it took me to got someone else. By this time I've been writing scripts and started to get a lot of work for. This lasted for about 2 years until I met an agent who said he'd make me famous.
Well, I have to say that he got me around town. But he rarely got me work, and much more connections that I would never have gotten without him. So what do I do?
Well I have some long years in this business and sometimes I was broke and sometimes I was flush. I had an agent that really took me around town, I met a hell of a lot people through him. He was a small agent though, thinking he was hot. But I never got any movies, in fact I got several movies by myself.
And he took his agent money, which of course, you hope he'll get something. And maybe it was me too, although I got agents that always seemed to be around.
And then, the last agent finally arrived. He was working for the agent above. He and I got along quite well and I knew this young guy will be going places.This always asks questions and my guy still didn't get me a job. So about two years later my great guy was taken by a major agency, one of the big 5.

So what was I want to do now? Stay with the not-great agency or go to the young guy who was?

So I did it and the not-great guy's agency and he still has not spoke to me again.

And what happened to me with the big agency guy who now took me in to the big agency and it took me around for about 15 years until my agent, who was tired of the big agency didn't give him more clients.

So he walked away and went to an agency for production workers, as in camera, sound, post production and location people. 
A long way from screenwriters.
And it hit me also as my ex-agent left and the big agency didn't think I really was needed. So long Jim.
So I had no agent.
But I had a lot of people who liked my work and up to now. My Ghostkeeper movie was still running in videos and I also am trying to write my Ghostkeeper 2 movie maybe for this year or early year. 
And now I'm working (sort of) on a screenplay I wrote in L.A. but now was going to be made in France. And I won't be there. Why?

For one thing I will have to pay French taxes that, as I was told, is a hell of a lot. So I stayed in Canada where my taxes are way better. Besides everyone will be speaking French.

Below this is where I quit as an example. It was a real "good-by" to my first agent without knowing if I will ever get an agent again. Here 'how I did it.
January 8/20
Dear Jack

I've spent a long time deliberating over the renewal over our contract (which expired on September X) and have decided not to continue on with your agency. I am grateful for your initial interest in my work as well as the support from yourself and especially Doug.

However I simply have not any work during that time except for development funding assistance from Canadian agencies. In 19- I had a total of three meetings. I will honor any details leading up to 19-, as per contract. Also I would lke a submission log of where my scripts went during our contract term. Again, thanks for your time and consideration.

This was the beginning of at least 7 or 8 agents to make it work. Unfortunately he

left the the agency and the agency left me.