Still Camping out

By Tracyrosen @tracyrosen

A week ago today my living room ceiling opened in deluge and we are still camping out at my parents house, there are still fans and dehumidifiers throughout the house, and the upstairs toilet is still in the hallway.

I am very lucky that my parents are close by and willing to take us all in, especially since Jacob (the dog, not the boy, he’s Jack) at times chooses inopportune places to, uh, protest the lack of walks. Needless to say we are all off schedule! Jack (the boy, not the dog) is being fed by 3 different people and somehow managed to have a diet of just about only fruit yesterday while I was at work…imagine the diaper…

Speaking of little Jacky, one week from today he will be 1 year old! My life has completely changed and it hasn’t. Difficult to put into words but that is how it feels. A year ago I had no idea how much I’d crave his little tooth-dotted grin. Or how he loves to hug, really loves to hug. But lucky me he’s a good sleeper so I’m still able to do a few crafty things, play my computer games, fart around on facebook, read in bed, cook…that kind of thing.

This morning I go to meet the plumber who will put my toilet back in place and replace a drain pipe and hopefully find nothing else that needs to be fixed…I’ll also swing by a store to buy a new playpen for Jack as his got ruined in the flood. Tuesday, Sinisco is supposed to come pick up the last of the noisy machines. The estimator did his work 2 days ago so the renovations will hopefully get going soon. I’m hoping we will be able to move back home for a bit, at least once the machines that make the house sound like a runway are gone. We love it here but we miss being home!