Still Alive

By Winyeemichelle

one. It’s been a while since I’ve had a spare Sunday to sit and type away, so I thought I’d take advantage of a more relaxed weekend to check in with you all! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed spending every February and March weekend doing things, seeing things and trying to make the most out of life-distracting activities. Today, for example, my sister and I wandered over to the Old Town at home and discovered an adorable little tearoom that we’ll definitely be returning to!
two. So I guess my biggest news this week is that I’m now the proud mama of two baby Horsfield Tortoises! I’ve been considering getting a pet for a long time now and the choice was between a puppy, kitten or tortoise. The first two were immediately out of the question as they just fit with a full-time job, so one Gumtree ad, a few emails and 20 mile drive later, Bertle and Eric were ours. They’re 4 months old and are full of personality! Bertle is the girl, a cheeky, greedy little one, and Eric is the boy, a little more meek but very adventurous. I’ll probably compile a full post about getting mine and taking care of them if anyone’s interested?
three. I’m also about to get the cogs turning on the fifth issue of Aesthetic. It’s been a while since my last issue, as I’ve changed jobs and all sorts of life things got in the way, but Issue 5 is in the works and I’m really excited to share it with you!
four. This week the blog has a sneaky Pop Basic takeover where I’m going to be styling up their new Sunday collection in a few ways. Let’s just say I’ve worn that silk shirt more times than you’d imagine this week.
five. Finally, I’m busier than ever attempting to revamp my social life with fun weekends away. I’m scheduling a Brighton visit in, a B.A.P concert(!!) and also I’m surprising my little sister with a weekend in Paris (this is how single my life gotten…!) for her 18th birthday. Travel bug has well and truly sunk its’ teeth in…
How have your weeks and weekends been? Come and have a natter in the comments or catch me on Twitter!