Still A Princess: Right Down To My Glass Flip Flops And Enchanted Jeans

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

I am going to visit my brother and stay with him for 3 weeks in November, the problem is he lives in Australia and I am leaving the husband and the kids at home, the other problem is I have nothing to wear. No seriously, I don’t.

It will be summer time in Australia when I go so it will be shorts and bikinis weather and there is the problem I don’t own a pair of shorts or a bikini for that matter.

Looking at my wardrobe is depressing, I have no nice clothes, they are the ones I have had for years and worn time and time again, OK so there’s the odd thing I have bought but I seriously need a revamp.

But what does a mother of 6 wear? Certainly not shorts and bikini I’m 32 I am feeling old. I ask my mother, who is traveling with me what she is packing and guess what? She’s taking shorts and bikini.

I tend to live in jeans or leggings, I never wear killer heels and I much prefer my Flossies. I would stay in my PJS all day if I could. When did I become such a fashion disaster? When I had kids.

My brother is 5 years younger than me and is taking me clubbing with his friends, great I have never been clubbing in my life, What do you wear to go clubbing? Certainly not leggings I am guessing?

While the kids closets are bursting at the seams of the latest fashion clobber, I have to think about actually going shopping for me, where do I even go? The thought is quite exciting but I know it will leave me full of guilt, when I go shopping for myself and buy nothing for the kids.

I had a moan at the husband about never feeling sexy anymore and he reminded me that I always look great to him. Bless him.

I am also thinking it might be a good idea to go shopping when all the summer items go on sale ready for the winter season coming in stock, I hate spending money in myself so might feel better if it looks like a bargain.

So ladies, which high street stores are great to shop in? Do let me know.