Sticky Icky Booger Bugs: A Review

By Peppertan

It’s been a while since I last read my daughter a bedtime story.  When she started telling me about her crush at school- and how she’d grin from ear to ear while talking about him- I knew it was the start of the end of innocence for her.  She’s growing up, and making that clear to me.  Stories of princesses and fairies which used to appeal to her no longer struck her as interesting.

One night, I tried to engage her in a children’s book which had a theme which she- or anybody, for that matter- will never outgrow.  After being sent this awe-inspiring book, I knew I simply had to read it with my daughter.

That book is called Sticky Icky Booger Bugs by Sherry Frith.  It’s a picture book which seeks to explain to kids ages 0-7 what living with cystic fibrosis- a genetic disease which causes mucus to fill the lungs, and other parts of the body, such as the digestive tract- is like.  The entire book revolves around a day in the life of a child with cystic fibrosis.  That child happens to be Kory, the author’s son.

After both her sons were diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, Sherry Frith came up with the idea of writing a book to help them better understand the condition they were in.  She wrote it in a way that her kids- and other kids in a similar situation- can relate to.

The book illustrates the daily struggles Kory goes through as he deals with cystic fibrosis.  His every puff, cough and sneeze helps control his disease and keeps the hospital at bay.

The author manages to get through to her young readers, because she writes it all as a kid would.  She uses kid terms such as using the “shaker” to get rid of the “booger bugs”.

It’s nice how Kory still lives a normal life, despite his condition.  He still goes to school, plays video games and soccer with his friends just like your average kid around the block.

This book is a gentle reminder for us to be thankful for the blessings we have… the gift of good health and family.  It also inspires us to be strong and rise above adversity- whatever age you are.  Kory is my daughter’s new super hero.