Stevie Wonder At Global Citizen Festival “I’m Taking A Knee For America”

By Firstladyb


Stevie Wonder took a knee for America Saturday at the Global Citizen Festival.

Before his performance Stevie Wonder gave a passionate speech, telling our global brothers and sisters that he didn’t come to preach, but our spirits must be right.

 “It is only through life we can make life happen through ourselves and each other.” He added, “Our global brothers and sisters, I didn’t come here to preach, but I’m telling you, our spirits must be in the right place all the time.”

Pic Credit: NY Daily News

After encouraging everyone to “stand down bigotry” and “condemn sexism,” he insisted that everyone “find love.” Then, with the help of his son Kwame, he said, “I’m taking a knee for America — not just one knee, but both knees in prayer for our planet, our future, and leaders of our world.”