Steve Harvey Slams #BlackTwitter For Hurting His Feelings After Trump Meet-N-Greet

Posted on the 27 January 2017 by Sumithardia

Steve Harvey Fires Back At Black Twitter For Dissing Trump Meeting
Steve Harvey isn’t done talking about Cheeto Mussolini!
The TV host recently shared his feelings after he was dragged to tacky suit hell for meeting with Cheeto Mussolini at Trump Towers reports FOX News. Harvey recently defended why he chose to meet with PEETOUS Trump and called out some of his fans for turning on him:
“On a personal note, a lot of ya’ll hurt me,” he said on his radio show. “You really did. I didn’t expect the backlash to be so fierce.”

Harvey said he felt it was important to meet with the president-elect Trump but now slams #BlackTwitter for dissing the meeting. Listen after the 15:30 mark when Harvey addresses you keyboard gangsters:

“You got to do something you can’t just complain about it ….But I got one message just for black people … because I have the right to. Because I been black for 60 years. Half of y’all talking about me ain’t been on this earth no time and don’t know what we had to do to even get here. But you sit behind your computer like you really all that …. you type about us and you don’t even know us. Now you talking about me!”

Do you think #BlackTwitter bullied Harvey for meeting with Trump or should he just STFU?!


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