Steve Harvey Says He Would Sit With President Elect Trump Anytime

By Firstladyb

Steve Harvey met with president elect Donald Trump on Friday at his Trump Towers, and immediately received backlash from the African American community.  Some folks calling Harvey a “coon” and even reminded him of comments he made about Trump during the presidential election on his show.  Well Harvey has released a statement, read it below and please share your thoughts.  Was the talk show host wrong for meeting with the president elect?

Our president (Obama) asked that all of us sit down and talk to one another in order to move our country forward,” the host of Family Feud and The Steve Harvey Show noted in a statement posted to Twitter.  “The transition teams on both sides asked me to meet and I’m glad I did.”

Harvey said that Trump “immediately got (HUD secretary nominee) Dr. Ben Carson on the phone to begin dialog in looking for programs and housing to help our inner cities.” He added that the president-elect “seems very open to my mentoring efforts across the country.”

He added, “I walked away feeling like I had just talked with a man who genuinely wants to make a difference in this area. I feel that something really great could come out of this.”

Harvey’s takeaway, “I would sit with him anytime.”

Your thoughts?