Sterling Kids Books – This Or That

By Evette Garside @evette77

This is just the sort of book that I would have loved as a kid. It is just packed with non stop fun. It may be mistaken for a joke book on first glance but it's far from that.

This or That is page by page fun giving the same question on each page - "Would you rather?" and two answers, both of which can be quite gross and revolting or not so bad. Here are just a few examples.

Just as I imagined, my older two kids absolutely love this book and Izebella enjoys being read the questions and answering. We get a lot of laughs and lot of "Eeughs" and other strange noises.

This book would be great for parties and sleepovers and bound to get everyone laughing and making weird noises at some of the questions.

The author is Brandon T Snyder and the publishers are Sterling books. It costs about £8 and well worth it for lots of laughs.