Stephen Moyer Says True Blood Has A Future After Season 5

Posted on the 01 November 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

Kristin over at “E” answered a question from a fan about whether True Blood will see future seasons after Season 5. She says that she was told by Stephen Moyer that there’s plenty of material to keep it going and going.

Jarrod in Bloomington, Ind.: I heard season five will be the last one for True Blood. Tell me it’s not true. I will flip out!

Not according to Stephen Moyer, and he’s a pretty important guy on T.B. “There is certainly enough material for us to keep going and going,” he tells us. “And as you know, television contracts are six years, so I don’t think there is any need for it to be the last season. I don’t see any need or reason for it to stop when it is as successful as it is.” Feel better?
