Stephen Moyer Can’t Imagine a Better Gig Than True Blood

Posted on the 03 July 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

Last week when Stephen Moyer was in Beverly Hills to promote True Blood, he sat for an interview with Yahoonews. He was in a good mood, and talked a little about becoming a father again, and the future of True Blood, which has just been renewed for Season 6. Stephen told us earlier this year that he was looking forward to taking some time off during the hiatus, and he mentions it below, but that doesn’t seem to be what is going to happy since he’s already going off to make his next film Devil’s Knot just as True Blood finishes filming Season 5.  No rest for the wicked, I suppose.

See a portion of that interview below:

Q: So how nervous are you about being a dad again?
Not at all, l love it.

Q: How has Anna been?
She’s great. She’s very excited.

Q: Has she been sick?
I’m not going to answer any questions for my wife. You can try and get stuff out of her.

Q: Are you going to do anything different this time as a dad having practiced it twice already?
I don’t think so, I’ll just try and be the best dad I can, that’s all I’ve ever tried to be, and I think you learn as you go.

Q: If it came down to a fight between Bill and Eric [Alex Skarsgard], who would win? And if it was between you and Alexander?
If it was between and Bill, Eric would definitely win, because he’s like 830 years older. And in our mythology, that means a lot. And between me and Alex, I don’t know, I think I’d bite his knee caps and cut his legs off.

Q: You have a pretty good gig.
I can’t imagine a better one.

Q: So are you a guy who calls an agent and goes, “I need to have another gig,” during your hiatus or are you a guy who says, “I’m going to just relax?”
You know, I’m the guy who says he’s going to relax and then works the whole time. [laughs] Last year, I had ten days off. And we started, I did two movies and I produced a movie, and we literally we finished the movie that we were producing on the 24th Anna was in, and we started up again on the 28th of November, and I was fried. And I can’t do it again this year. So yes, my intention was to literally sit for a month or two, but I’m not, I’m doing a film. [laughs]

Q: Is it a relief not to be doing as many sex scenes as you used to in terms of working out and what you are eating?
Yeah. I went straight back to the chocolate croissants this year. [laughter] As soon as I knew that it was about politics, I was like all right, we’re not going to be having any sex and then of course the next thing is, you get a script and it’s like, “Oh fuck,” and it just means, when you are as busy as I’ve been this year, it means getting up an hour earlier at five, which is annoying, cause you have to do it.

Q: You get up at four?
You do when you are doing six o’clock call times and you have to go and run on the beach for an hour, yeah. So it’s really nice not to have to do it. But when they come around, I’m eating a lot of fruit at the moment, which, anybody who sees me having breakfast will know when a sex scene is coming. [laughter] Because I am a bacon and eggs boy, and so if you’ve seen me this morning with my fruit, you’d be going ah, that means he’s about two days away from getting his shirt off. [laughter]

Q: How do you want to meet your true death?
We have an amazing death this year coming up with one of our characters and I don’t want to give anything away, but it’s one of the best I’ve read, and that’s one of the joys that I think of being a writer on this show, is that they have to try and come up with new stuff. Cause as I said earlier, Alan [Ball] is not into repetition at all. You will not see anybody doing anything the same, because it’s just not what our show has become. Somebody pitched something and I can’t tell you what it is, I think one of the boys pitched something this year, that would be something that I don’t think has ever been done before, which…

Q: So what’s up for you now in the hiatus?
I’m going to try and take some time off this year. I don’t think I took any time off last year and I can’t wait to put my feet up and do nothing.

Q: Until the baby arrives.
Indeed, I’ve got to have some time off for that. /Viva Press

To read the entire interview, go to: