The movie tells the story of Detective Reese (played by Stephen Moyer) and Detective Burquez (played by Radha Mitchell), who turn up to an abandoned gas station, which is the scene of a massacre that contains no evidence – except for a video camera, a flip cam and two cell phones. Using only this evidence, they must discover who the murderer is.
The film is directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi and also stars Torrey DeVitto, Caitlin Stasey, John Cothren, Svetlana Metkina, Albert Kuo and Dale Dickey. The screen play is by John Swetnam. Production is already under way and it is expected to hit movie theaters in 2012.
Make sure you put this movie on your ‘To Watch’ list for next year!
Sources: Movie Web – Radha Mitchell and Stephen Moyer Join Evidence
Bloody Disgusting – AFM’11: Stephen Moyer and Radha Mitchell Gather ‘Evidence’! – Evidence (2012)
(Photo Credit: HBO, Inc.)