Staying Afloat from All the Negativity

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
I publish a scripture picture every day on my personal Facebook, my The End Time Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter. Also Pinterest if I think of it. I usually tie the daily pictures to a theme for the week. Recently, I've been writing a Sunday Biblical Literacy essay ("Word of the Week") explaining one of the foundational words of the faith. I've written essays on Justification, Transcendence, Immanence, Propitiation, Sanctification, Glorification, Orthodoxy, Heresy, Omniscience, Perspicuity, and Aseity. All the Scripture Pictures for that week with verses match each Word of the Week.
You likely don't know the themes and thought that I put into each picture of the week. You might not even notice that I have a theme for the scripture pictures. You don't have to, it's not expected.
On another topic, I've been reading a lot about social justice recently. I read the race baiting and anger and accusations from Social Justice Warriors (SJW). I anticipated MacArthur's sermons and read the blogs on the topic. I read the massive Statement that came out. I read tweeted garbage against the originators of the statement, particularly against Justin Peters this week. Disheartening for sure. I thought through whether I'm going to sign or not, and answered several emails and messages asking me just that.
I am proud of the men who met and prayed and researched and edited and ultimately stood for Jesus and His Gospel by issuing the Social Justice Statement. It was needed, and they did it. Good job.
However, with all the negativity surrounding it, and all the back and forth about theological nuances and philosophies of man and heated debates, it's gotten really negative. By necessity, contending does that. Satan never sleeps. I felt I needed simply Jesus. I decided that my scripture picture the theme for this week will be "Jesus."
Let's get back to Him. Who He is, His work, His character. Whenever I feel the 'garbage' mounting up against me, swirling, and ready to turn my attention and heart away from the simple things, I go back to Jesus.
So the theme for my Scripture Pictures this week will be Jesus. The verses will flow from who He is to my favorite aspects about Him-
Only begotten Son of God, John 3:16
A Man of Sorrows, Isaiah 53:3
The Lamb of God, John 1:29
Jesus Christ the Righteous, 1 John 2:1
The Shepherd of the Sheep, Hebrews 13:20
The Lily of the Valley, Songs 2:1
So that is my little insight. It's important to stay current with the theological news and debates, of course. I might be a simple person, but I think it's also more important when things start to get heated and complicated to always go back and focus on just Jesus. He is the ultimate recalibration.