Statism In Wisconsin: Police Distribute ‘No Serve’ Alcohol List to Area Businesses (Video)

Posted on the 23 July 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
Evidently statism and nanny state policies are alive and well in Wisconsin as the Janesville Wisconsin Police Department has distributed an alcohol "no serve" list to local area businesses that are licensed to sell alcohol on Tuesday.
The names on the list the police can now arbitrarily ask businesses to not serve, are those who use  a large amount of public safety and medical resources due to their chronic abuse of alcohol, according to the release.
Those named on the list, according to officials have been involved in three or more calls for police service in a six month period where it is believed alcohol was a factor for disruptive behavior, which police say put a burden on police, rescue and medical personnel.
The people on the list are notified and they can request  a hearing in front of the Alcohol License Advisory Committee if they wanted to contest being put on the list.
There was nothing in the release about how the police intend to enforce the "no serve" list.
As the video below will show, it isn't only Janesville applying this policy, as nine months ago Green Bay police did the same thing.